IGI Certified 2.02 CT Hexagonal Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
ألماس قطع سداسي 2.02 قيراط معتمد من IGI - نقاء VVS1، لون D

ألماس قطع سداسي 2.02 قيراط معتمد من IGI - نقاء VVS1، لون D


Are you interested in creating bespoke jewelry with this exquisite lab-grown diamond? Contact us for more details and let us help you design the perfect piece.

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اكتشف التألق الاستثنائي والجاذبية الفريدة للألماس السداسي المعتمد من IGI والذي تم إنتاجه في المعمل. يوفر هذا الحجر الكريم الرائع جمالًا وجودة لا مثيل لها، مما يجعله خيارًا مثاليًا لقطعة المجوهرات القادمة الخاصة بك.

  • يكتب: HPHT (ارتفاع درجة الحرارة الضغط العالي)
  • شهادة المختبر: معتمد من IGI
  • شكل: سداسية
  • وزن القيراط: 2.02 قيراط
  • درجة اللون: د (عديم اللون)
  • الوضوح: VVS1 (متضمن بشكل طفيف جدًا 1)
  • بولندي: ممتاز
  • التماثل: ممتاز
  • مضان: لا أحد
  • القياسات: 7.21 × 8.34 × 4.47 ملم
  • متوسط ​​القطر/النسبة: 1.16
  • عمق: 62.00%
  • نسبة الجدول: 66.00%
  • الظل: لا أحد

الميزات الرئيسية:

  • تألق مختبري: تم تصنيعه باستخدام تقنية HPHT المتقدمة، مما يضمن مصدرًا مستدامًا وصديقًا للبيئة.
  • جودة متفوقة: تضمن شهادة IGI أعلى معايير الجودة والأصالة.
  • قطع سداسية فريدة من نوعها: شكل نادر وآسر يبرز عن قطع الألماس التقليدية.
  • جمال عديم اللون: توفر درجة اللون D مظهرًا عديم اللون تمامًا، مما يعزز بريق الماس.
  • وضوح لا تشوبه شائبة: يضمن وضوح VVS1 الحد الأدنى من الشوائب، ولا يمكن رؤيتها إلا بتكبير 10x.
  • النهاية المثالية: تلميع وتناسق ممتازان يزيدان من أداء الماس الخفيف.
  • لا مضان: يضمن تألقًا نقيًا ومتسقًا في جميع ظروف الإضاءة.
  • النسب المثالية: تعمل الأبعاد المقاسة بعناية والعمق الأمثل ونسب الجدول على تعزيز جاذبيتها البصرية.

هذه الماسة السداسية المقطوعة في المعمل والمعتمدة من IGI بوزن 2.02 قيراط هي مثال للأناقة والرقي، وهي جاهزة لتكون القطعة المركزية في تصميمات مجوهراتك الثمينة.

Lab grown diamonds price

Frequently Asked Questions

What are lab-grown diamonds?
Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds created in a laboratory using advanced technology that replicates the natural diamond formation process. They share the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds.
Are lab-grown diamonds real diamonds?
Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds. They are made of pure carbon, have the same hardness, brilliance, and sparkle, and are indistinguishable from natural diamonds to the naked eye or even most gemologists.
How are lab-grown diamonds made?
Lab-grown diamonds are made using two methods:
  • HPHT (High-Pressure High-Temperature): Mimics the natural diamond formation process by applying high heat and pressure to carbon.
  • CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition): Grows diamond crystals layer by layer in a controlled chamber using carbon-rich gases.
Are lab-grown diamonds eco-friendly?
Lab-grown diamonds are a more sustainable and eco-friendly choice compared to mined diamonds. Their production requires significantly less land and energy and avoids the environmental damage caused by mining.
How do lab-grown diamonds compare to natural diamonds in price?
Lab-grown diamonds are typically 60-70% more affordable than natural diamonds of the same size and quality, making them a budget-friendly and ethical option.
Can lab-grown diamonds be certified?
Yes, lab-grown diamonds are certified by renowned gemological institutes like IGI (International Gemological Institute) or GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Certification provides detailed information about the diamond’s cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.
Do lab-grown diamonds have inclusions or flaws?
Like natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds can have inclusions or flaws, which are graded on the same clarity scale. However, they are available in a wide range of clarity grades, including flawless options.
Are lab-grown diamonds durable?
Yes, lab-grown diamonds are just as durable as natural diamonds, scoring a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. They are perfect for everyday wear in engagement rings and other jewelry.
Can you insure lab-grown diamonds?
Yes, lab-grown diamonds can be insured just like natural diamonds. Most insurance companies treat them as equivalent to mined diamonds for coverage purposes.
Are lab-grown diamonds resalable?
Lab-grown diamonds can be resold, though they have a different resale value compared to mined diamonds. Their affordability and growing popularity, however, make them a practical and ethical choice.
Do lab-grown diamonds come in different shapes and sizes?
Yes, lab-grown diamonds are available in a wide variety of shapes, including round, oval, pear, emerald, princess, and more. They also come in various carat weights to suit different preferences and budgets.
How can I tell the difference between a lab-grown and natural diamond?
It is almost impossible to differentiate between a lab-grown and a natural diamond without specialized equipment. Both look identical to the naked eye and have the same brilliance and sparkle.
Why should I choose lab-grown diamonds?
Lab-grown diamonds are ethical, eco-friendly, affordable, and every bit as luxurious as natural diamonds. They offer a modern and responsible way to enjoy the timeless beauty of diamonds without the environmental and ethical concerns of mining.

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