0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 117 diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 117 diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 117 diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 117 diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K White Gold, highlighting 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K White Gold, highlighting 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K White Gold, highlighting 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K White Gold, highlighting 117 lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity
A rotating view of the 0.84 CTTW Round and Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring in 18K Yellow Gold. The video showcases the intricate details of the 117 sparkling lab-grown diamonds with EF color and VS clarity, highlighting the brilliance of the round and baguette stones set in a luxurious yellow gold band.

0,84 CTTW Round og Baguette EF-VS Lab-dyrket diamant firkantet klynge Halo Engagement Ring i 18K Solid Gold



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Løft dine specielle øjeblikke med vores udsøgte 0,84 CTTW-runde og Baguette EF-VS Lab-Grown Diamond Square Cluster Halo Engagement Ring, omhyggeligt udformet til at symbolisere din kærligheds glans. Denne fantastiske brude vielsesring har en harmonisk blanding af runde og baguette lab-dyrkede diamanter, der ligger i luksuriøst 18K solid guld, der tilbyder et tidløst og elegant design.


  • Form: Rund og baguette
  • Type: Lab-dyrket diamant
  • Total karatvægt: 0,84ct
  • Samlede sten: 117
  • Farve: EF (ekstraordinær hvid)
  • Klarhed: Vs (meget lidt inkluderet)
  • Metal: 18 k guld
  • Metal tone indstillinger: Gul, hvid, rose

18K Solid Gold Band giver et perfekt baggrund for de blændende diamanter, der tilbyder et valg af tre elegante toner: klassisk gul, sofistikeret hvid og romantisk rose. Denne fleksibilitet giver dig mulighed for at vælge den farvetone, der bedst supplerer din personlige stil eller blandes problemfrit med andre stykker i din samling.

For nylig set