Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 20 EF/VS diamonds in a shared prong setting with a scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 20 EF/VS diamonds in a shared prong setting with a scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 20 EF/VS diamonds in a shared prong setting with a scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Yellow Gold, showcasing 20 EF/VS diamonds in a shared prong setting with a scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 20 EF/VS diamonds with a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 20 EF/VS diamonds with a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 20 EF/VS diamonds with a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Rose Gold, featuring 20 EF/VS diamonds with a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K White Gold, adorned with 20 EF/VS diamonds, set in a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K White Gold, adorned with 20 EF/VS diamonds, set in a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K White Gold, adorned with 20 EF/VS diamonds, set in a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K White Gold, adorned with 20 EF/VS diamonds, set in a shared prong setting and scalloped side profile
A 360-degree view of the Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band in 18K Yellow Gold. The video showcases 20 sparkling oval-shaped EF/VS lab-grown diamonds set in a shared prong setting with a delicate scalloped side profile. The band reflects light beautifully from every angle, highlighting its luxurious design and brilliant craftsmanship

Elegant Oval Lab-Grown Diamond Scallop Eternity Band i 18K guld



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Oplev Tidløs elegance med vores elegante ovale lab-dyrkede diamant-kammuslingens evighedsband i 18 k guld. Dette fantastiske evighedsband har en uendelig cirkel med 20 ovalformede lab-dyrkede diamanter, der hver er indstillet i en delt spids med en delikat kammusling sideprofil, der maksimerer både gnist og komfort. Perfekt til stabling eller iført solo, denne ring er et strålende symbol på kærlighed og luksus. Udformet i 18 k fast guld, det fås i gule, hvide eller rosetoner.

Med en samlet karatvægt på 4,00ct er diamanterne EF i farve og vs i klarhed, hvilket sikrer enestående glans. 0,20ct Diamonds blændede fra enhver vinkel, hvilket gør denne ring til et ideelt valg for dem, der søger et raffineret, diamantdrenet look. Bemærk, at fulde evighedsbånd ikke kan ændres, så vi anbefaler at bruge vores Ring Sizer til at finde din perfekte pasform.


  • Form: Oval
  • Type: Lab-dyrket diamant
  • Total karatvægt: 4,00ct
  • Samlede sten: 20
  • Farve: Ef
  • Klarhed: Vs
  • Metal: 18k guld
  • Metal tone indstillinger: Gul, hvid, rose

Dette udsøgte band er det ultimative udtryk for evig kærlighed og uovertruffen skønhed.

For nylig set