Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K yellow gold featuring a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K yellow gold featuring a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K yellow gold featuring a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K yellow gold featuring a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K rose gold with a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K rose gold with a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K rose gold with a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K rose gold with a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K white gold showcasing a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K white gold showcasing a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K white gold showcasing a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K white gold showcasing a pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct
Video showcasing the Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring in 18K yellow gold. The video highlights the pear-shaped lab-grown diamond, its brilliant EF color, and VS clarity, with a close-up view of the bezel setting. The ring is available in 1.00ct, 2.00ct, 3.00ct, or 4.00ct, demonstrating its timeless elegance and sophistication.

Elegant Pear Cut Bezel Set Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Ring i 18K guld - tilgængelig i 1, 2, 3 og 4 karat



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Oplev tidløs elegance med vores elegante pæreudskæringsstårslab, der dyrkes Diamond Solitaire Ring. Dette udsøgte stykke har en smukt vugget pæreformet lab-dyrket diamant, der sikkert er sat i en sofistikeret rammeindstilling. Denne ring er udformet i luksuriøst 18k solid guld og fås i en række karatvægte for perfekt at matche din personlige stil og præferencer: 1,00ct, 2,00ct, 3,00ct eller 4,00ct.

Centret diamant med sin EF -farve og vs klarhed udstråler glans og raffinement. Vælg mellem tre fantastiske metalfarver - rig, hvid eller roseguld - for at skabe et look, der er unikt dit.

Perfekt som en brudeforlovelsesring eller et udsagnsstykke til enhver særlig lejlighed, denne Solitaire -ring kombinerer moderne design med klassisk charme, hvilket gør det til en virkelig tidløs skat.


  • Form: Pære
  • Type: Lab dyrket diamant
  • Total karatvægt: 1ct, 2ct, 3ct eller 4ct
  • Samlede sten: 1
  • Farve: Ef
  • Klarhed: Vs.
  • Metal: 18 k guld
  • Metal tone: Gul, hvid, rose

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