Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Yellow Gold. This ring features a radiant emerald cut diamond in a contemporary bezel setting, paired with the classic warmth of yellow gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Yellow Gold. This ring features a radiant emerald cut diamond in a contemporary bezel setting, paired with the classic warmth of yellow gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Yellow Gold. This ring features a radiant emerald cut diamond in a contemporary bezel setting, paired with the classic warmth of yellow gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Yellow Gold. This ring features a radiant emerald cut diamond in a contemporary bezel setting, paired with the classic warmth of yellow gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Rose Gold. The ring showcases a stunning emerald cut diamond cradled in a sleek bezel setting, highlighting the romantic blush of rose gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Rose Gold. The ring showcases a stunning emerald cut diamond cradled in a sleek bezel setting, highlighting the romantic blush of rose gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Rose Gold. The ring showcases a stunning emerald cut diamond cradled in a sleek bezel setting, highlighting the romantic blush of rose gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Rose Gold. The ring showcases a stunning emerald cut diamond cradled in a sleek bezel setting, highlighting the romantic blush of rose gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K White Gold. A brilliant emerald cut diamond is elegantly set in a modern bezel setting, complemented by the contemporary allure of white gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K White Gold. A brilliant emerald cut diamond is elegantly set in a modern bezel setting, complemented by the contemporary allure of white gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K White Gold. A brilliant emerald cut diamond is elegantly set in a modern bezel setting, complemented by the contemporary allure of white gold
Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K White Gold. A brilliant emerald cut diamond is elegantly set in a modern bezel setting, complemented by the contemporary allure of white gold
Close-up video of the Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring in 18K Yellow Gold. The video captures the ring’s radiant emerald cut diamond as it sparkles within a sleek bezel setting, emphasizing the rich, warm hue of the yellow gold band. The diamond’s exceptional brilliance is highlighted from various angles, showcasing the ring's elegant design and timeless appeal

Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring i 18K guld



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Forkæl dig med tidløs elegance med Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Bezel-Set Solitaire Ring i 18K guld. Denne udsøgte brudeforlovelsesring er en fejring af raffinement og moderne design. Ramindstillingen, der er kendt for sin slanke og moderne æstetiske, vugger yndefuldt den midterste perle, hvilket giver den fantastiske smaragdskæring mulighed for at tage centrum.

Fås i en række karatvægte-1,00ct, 2,00ct, 3,00ct og 4,00ct-denne ring tilbyder en perfekt mulighed for enhver brud til at være. EF/VS Lab-dyrket diamant, der er kendt for sin ekstraordinære glans og etiske oprindelse, udstråler rent lys, hvilket gør denne ring til et ægte symbol på kærlighed og engagement.

Denne ring er udformet af solid 18k guld og fås i dit valg af tre luksuriøse metalfarver: gul, hvid eller rose. Uanset om du foretrækker den klassiske varme af gult guld, den moderne lokke af hvidt guld eller den romantiske rødme af roseguld, kan denne ring tilpasses din personlige stil.


  • Form: Smaragd
  • Type: Lab-dyrket diamant
  • Total karatvægt: 1ct, 2ct, 3ct eller 4ct
  • Samlede sten: 1
  • Farve: Ef
  • Klarhed: Vs
  • Metal: 18k guld
  • Metal tone: Gul, hvid, rose

Fejr din kærlighed med en ring, der udstråler både skønhed og etisk håndværk. Denne Emerald Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Ring er et tidløst stykke, der vil blive værdsat i de kommende generationer.

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