Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Yellow Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Yellow Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Yellow Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Yellow Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Rose Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Rose Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Rose Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Rose Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in White Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in White Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in White Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in White Gold with Claw Setting, featuring a 1ct center diamond and two 0.50ct side diamonds, accented with pave diamonds
Video of Three-Stone Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Engagement Ring in Yellow Gold, showcasing a 1ct center diamond with two 0.50ct side diamonds in a claw setting, accented with pave diamonds. The video highlights the brilliance of the diamonds and the elegance of the yellow gold band from various angles

Inel de logodnă cu diamante de laborator, cu trei pietre, cu un setare de gheare în aur de 18k


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Proiectat în mod deosebit pentru o eleganță atemporală, acest inel de logodnă cu diamante de laborator, cu trei pietre, cu un laborator, prezintă un cadru clasic de gheare, care leagă frumos fiecare bijuterie. Piesa centrală prezintă un diamant uimitor de 1 carate EF/vs, complet, completat de două diamante laterale care cântăresc 0,50 carate fiecare, oferind un trio orbitor de strălucire. Inelul este accentuat în continuare de 18 diamante rotunde de laborator, adăugând un plus de 0,12 carate la greutatea totală, aducând greutatea totală a caratelor cu diamante la 2,12 carate.

Confecționat în aur solid de 18k, acest inel de logodnă este disponibil în trei tonuri de metal luxoase: galben, alb și aur de trandafir. Fiecare ton adaugă propriul său farmec unic acestei piese, ceea ce îl face simbolul perfect al iubirii veșnice.


  • Formă: Rotund
  • Tip: Diamant cultivat de laborator
  • Greutate totală a caratelor: 2.12ct
  • Pietre totale: 21 pietre
  • Culoare: Ef
  • Claritate: Vs
  • Metal: Aur de 18k
  • Opțiuni de ton metalic: Galben, alb, trandafir

Cu designul său modern, dar clasic, acest inel este o alegere perfectă pentru oricine caută o piesă sofisticată și durabilă de bijuterii fine.

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